SEO Expert – Elias Lange

SEO specialist / expert for search engine optimization

Search engine optimization with local SEO (Google Maps), keyword analysis, competitor analysis, backlink tracking, content creation with your SEO expert for sales increase and comprehensive marketing campaigns directly from the city of Hamburg.

First consultation FREE!

You want more customers and increased turnover? I will take you to the top in Google with

Contents show

Search Engine Optimization | Local SEO (Google Maps) | Keyword Analysis | Competition Analysis | Backlinking | Content Creation | Social Media Marketing | Webdesign | Pay Per Click (PPC)

I not only offer SEO, but can also offer you additional services from the spectrum of online marketing together with my partners. This naturally includes PPC – Pay per Click Marketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Reputation Marketing.

SEO Agency or SEO Expert?

There are now a lot of SEO agencies out there. As a result, it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish a good SEO agency from a less suitable one. It does not always have to be an SEO agency to get a TOP 3 ranking. A SEO agency is usually also much more expensive than a SEO expert, you should always keep that in mind. Let me show you my added value, so that the choice is a little easier for you. My 20+ years of experience in Internet and online marketing speak for me as an SEO expert, which is also the basis of my ongoing education and training, so I am always one step ahead of my competitors.

Elias Lange - SEO Expert

Elias Lange – SEO Specialist


Elias Lange has helped me a lot. He was able to give me competent advice and has literally brought me forward well. The effects of his advice became noticeable after a short time.

Andrea Kohlhas - Entrepreneur

Many thanks for the professional service! Very satisfied due to noticeable results, very good mail and telephone availability for questions and innovative ideas for marketing. I gladly recommend it to others!

Sebastian Wolff - Business Owner

Since my website was not optimally found in the Google search results, I looked around for an SEO expert and came across Elias. He gave me really good advice from day one and gave me very valuable tips about what needs to be done on my website to achieve measurably better results. With him, I feel in very good hands and can recommend him warmly.

Stephan Stratmann - Business Owner


What really counts are results, that’s why I only use procedures that give you a top placement in the search results. My goal is to get your company into the TOP 3 in Google results – I’m not satisfied with anything less. To achieve this, I intensively deal with your website and analyse to what extent your site is already optimised. Then I will initiate exactly the steps necessary to get your website to the top in the Google search results. For this purpose, I test my strategies continuously and because of my extensive expertise in the area of search engine optimization I am able to achieve optimal results. I offer individual SEO optimization measures adapted to your company. And because you as a customer are the focus of my attention, you will also get the best internet marketing.

Search Engine Optimization

The process of search engine optimization: I start with your goals and ideas – what are they and what do you want to achieve? Do you perhaps want to integrate already existing SEO marketing campaigns? Can the User Experience (UX) as well as the usability and web design of your website be improved? Together we will develop the optimal SEO strategy for your company and use high-quality content and other measures to ensure that relevant target groups become aware of your website. As a SEO expert with many years of experience I make sure that visitors stay on your website, buy or order something and in the best case come back and become regular customers. Professional SEO makes this possible. Once the goal is defined, I can start working on the search engine optimization of your website as a SEO Freelancer. Of course I do not only consider Google, but also other common search engines.

SEO Expert

SEO Specialist – Traffic, Customers, Revenue

After a thorough analysis of your industry, your competitors and the products/services you offer, I will provide you with initial suggestions for relevant keywords. I will also be happy to take your suggestions and additions into account. Once the relevant keywords are defined, the actual SEO optimization can begin. A factor not to be underestimated is the content of websites. For Google and other search engines only relevant content is of importance. I will gladly support you in the creation of such high-quality content.

A successful placement usually goes hand in hand with a onpage optimization. But also the offpage optimization is crucial for strong and sustainable search engine optimization. Here it is about the linking of your domain and website. A well structured link network belongs to a successful SEO concept and a stable Google ranking. As an SEO expert, I work strictly according to the SEO guidelines of Google, so that your website is successful in the long run.

The search engine optimization is of course not finished yet. As an SEO expert, I also install professional tracking and reporting programs so that you can see and analyze the number of visitors and user behavior at any time. This way every step of the SEO measures can be tracked. This data is used for a sustainable search engine optimization of your website. In addition, I observe your industry as well as your competitors at regular intervals in order to be able to react quickly to possible changes. With my SEO concept you are always up to date to fulfill all Google relevance criteria.

As a expert for SEO I offer further services in the area of Internet Marketing, Online Marketing and Social Media Marketing. I am also available for you elsewhere with solutions in SEO Berlin, SEO Munich and SEO Cologne or in other parts of Germany. You will receive a non-binding and comprehensive consultation on the following SEO topics:

Search engine optimization

  • SEO Expertise
  • Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Twitter, …)
  • User Experience Optimization
  • Usability Optimization
  • Conversion Optimization
  • Content Optimization
  • E-Commerce (search engine marketing with Google AdWords etc.)

My SEO strategy aims to ensure that your website gets a high authority on Google and is rewarded with a top position.

Search Engine Optimization in Detail

Search Engine Optimization

Almost all industries worldwide use the Internet for their marketing. For almost all companies and businesses the findability with relevant search terms in search engines like Google is important or has a great importance. In Online-Marketing, especially SEO and SEA have developed into the most important and most used marketing tools worldwide. There is no other online strategy which is so efficient to reach new customers or strategic business partners locally, nationally and internationally.

SEO Optimization

I personally implement the recommended optimization measures or concentrate entirely on consulting and concepts. Since some customers also have their own technology and design departments, the implementation can also take place there. I am following your preferences.


Elias Lange - Proven Expert Empfehlung

Adapted to your project

I will inform you about your competitors and their online marketing activities and together with you we will determine the interests, the search behaviour and the expectations of your target group. The findings are important basics for a detailed keyword or search term analysis. Of course, an intensive evaluation in the form of a SEO audit of your current website is also an important component for successful search engine optimization to determine the ACTUAL status. I only use the best SEO tools for an optimal evaluation.

As your personal SEO expert I can advise you by phone, Skype, e-mail or at your place. In doing so, we will discuss which measures in search engine optimization would be useful for your business, and of course why they are useful and sustainable.

Initial consultation FREE!

SEO-Analysis / SEO-Audit

Customized and Comprehensive

A SEO Audit is necessary and forms the basis for successful search engine optimization, a basis for targeted and efficient SEO. Strengths and weaknesses of your internet presence as well as those of your most important competitors are determined. Because the selection and later positioning of the correct and relevant search terms on your current or future website is decisive for success or failure.

For your project, I create a website analysis (SEO Audit) with a prioritized roadmap. The data collected includes performance, meta data, usability, link structure, image optimization, content relevance, and ranking history to identify possible weaknesses and penalties early on.

Keyword Research

An essential part of any good SEO consulting is keyword research. Which topics, that your customers are looking for and on which you as a company want to be found, are relevant and frequently used? Optimizations on individual keywords are no longer state-of-the-art, we focus on topics, because Google now “thinks” more in topics than in keywords. (Rank-Brain says hello)


Basis for Success

The onpage-optimization has the highest relevance for successful search engine optimization. Above all, technical aspects, internal link structures as well as page contents are equally taken into account and contribute to the ranking at Google.

In other words, OnPage is everything that takes place on your website or web server. This includes technology, content and structure. Google uses various signals to determine the extent to which a website meets or does not meet the needs of users and how user-friendly an internet presence is designed. This area is therefore extremely important and continues to gain importance.


OffPage & Linkbuilding

Without external links to your own website, Google does not consider a website to be particularly relevant, although this relevance has decreased somewhat. For this reason, we also have to focus on link building and in-depth know-how is required so that the off-page measures do not do more harm than good in the end. Therefore I put a lot of emphasis on a sustainable and serious OffPage-Optimization, which does not end up with a Google Penalty.



Constant and Dynamic

Standing still is regression or let´s go forward rather than backward. This is especially important in online marketing and especially for SEO. An SEO campaign tailored to your goals is the optimal concept for a sustainable increase in efficiency of your website. To achieve this, I continuously supervise your project and react to possible changes. I see myself as your SEO agency and can be reached at any time.

SEO International

I offer SEO Consulting in Germany as well as for English searches. This means that I offer my services to companies and businesses that are located in Germany but also want to be found by international clients. I also support and advise companies that have offices abroad or are currently expanding into English-speaking countries. Please contact me.

Content Marketing

Quality rather than quantity

The increasingly relevant communication strategy par excellence, especially in the area of search engine optimization a driving factor which is indispensable for target group oriented content mediation.

Content & Texts

Properly researched, presented and structured content is a very important part of search engine optimization. I design and create content that is highly relevant for your users as well as for Google. Mere “SEO texts” will not work, because content that is only written for search engines and not for the users will not have any impact on SEO.

Online Marketing & Internet Marketing

Search engine optimization is not an isolated marketing discipline. For successful SEO all online marketing channels must be used sensibly. If you wish, I can also take over SEA (AdWords), Google Shopping, Social Media, Display, Affiliate, Product Search Engines etc.

TOP-Ranking: Why is it essential?

The lower positions in search engines are usually not enough to get a high number of visitors or potential customers to your website. Why? About 80% of the users of search engines choose a provider they find among the top rankings. And if they do not find what they are looking for, they usually start a new, then more detailed search query with so-called “long-tail keywords” or long-tail search terms. That means: at the top is always best!

TOP 3 Ranking – Competitive Advantage

There are different strategies to achieve a top ranking and to keep it. An increase from rank 7 to rank 3 usually doubles the traffic to your website. To optimize the relevance of a website from the point of view of search engines, an effective combination of all search engine relevant optimization criteria is required. A consistent and continuous application of the right options and implementation as SEO CAMPAIGN is essential.


SEO Training & SEO Seminars

I also gladly take over the training of your employees for SEO. This way you can build a sustainable SEO know-how and SEO understanding in your own company, which is especially useful in larger companies, regardless of whether the actual SEO work is done by an SEO agency or an SEO expert.

WordPress SEO

Today, WordPress is one of the most used software tools on the Internet and there is no other CMS with a better price-performance ratio to build a website. SEO for WordPress is therefore of great importance for SEO. Nevertheless, WordPress is not the perfect solution for every company, as for example for very large online shops, although very good solutions and extensions (plugins) are available.

Success-based Billing

A sustainable and successful search engine optimization needs time to develop its full effect. Usually I see the first effects of the optimization measures I have implemented after only a few weeks. Nevertheless 3, 6 or even 12 months can pass until the implemented measures show their full effect. Therefore, it is difficult and not reasonable to offer a performance-based payment.

A real – refund guarantee – also does not exist with other SEO agencies and SEO experts. No matter if it is done for Hamburg, Berlin, Munich or Cologne, a search engine optimization is always based on the same principles created by Google. There is a lot of work as well as experience and knowledge in it, which I have acquired over many years in online marketing. This is quite similar to a dentist, a car repair shop or a tax consultant, who are also paid for their knowledge.

SEO Expert Trial Period

Alternative with Satisfaction Guarantee

On request and as an alternative, I would be pleased to offer you the following: In the first three months, only 50% of the agreed monthly payment is due. If you are satisfied with my work and decide to continue working with me, the remaining 50% will be due on the work done so far. A “win-win” situation for both sides.

I would like to give you a few points to help you find the right SEO service provider and to identify dubious agencies / providers. The following checklist should help you to make the right choice by trying to find out the following points:

Open Checklist
  • Check reference projects and their development. Do the sites have added value for customers or do they look more like SPAM and affiliate sites?
  • A position from 1 to 3 in the search engines for contested keywords is guaranteed. (Very dubious!)
  • Are questionable offers made like “Cheap SEO texts for X EUR” or “Cheap links for X EUR”. (Attention!)
  • Have clients of the agency or the agency itself been punished in the past (Google Penalty!)?
  • X directory entries are advertised. (Hands off!)
  • Find out about the team behind the agency and who will look after you. Will it be the longtime expert or the intern?
  • Ask how many years of experience your consultant has.
  • Be sure to check out if the SEO agency places a high value on following Google’s guidelines for webmasters. Be careful with so-called black-hat methods to push projects quickly, which will probably lead to punishment sooner or later and are not a sustainable approach.

Your website has hardly any visibility? I use the latest and very effective SEO strategies and put companies and businesses in a higher and therefore better position for healthy growth.

SEO Consulting – Search engine optimization from SEO expert

Professional search engine optimization for your website, blog or online shop – from the SEO expert. I offer you all SEO measures from one source for sustainable top rankings in search engines like Google or Bing.

Always be one step ahead of your competitors and get high-quality traffic from the relevant target group for a sustainable ranking and more visibility. Request a free SEO offer today to accomplish more.

Yours Elias Lange, the SEO Expert.

More visibility and a better ranking for your website? Free initial consultation!

    SEO = Search Engine Optimization is a discipline in online marketing, which is used to ensure that content and websites are found in organic search engine result pages (SERP) in the top positions of search results, where most users of search engines generate clicks and thus generate traffic (website visits).

    Through OnPage optimizations (website is optimized) and OffPage optimization (measures outside the website) in the search engine optimization (SEO), one ensures that a website is found better in search engines such as Google or Bing, which ultimately brings more visitors to your website.

    SEO is very important to be read, rated and indexed by search engines with good content. The evaluation of the content of search engines plays an important role to get ahead in the search results.

    SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the term used to describe measures taken on a website which contribute to the improvement of its own position in the search results. The best known are so-called OnPage optimizations, a website is optimized, as well as OffPage optimization, all measures outside a website.

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