FAQ Rich Snippet and FAQ Markup Schema Generator for questions and answers

Schema Markup Generator – FAQPage JSON-LD Schema Generator

Google shows more information than ever directly in the search results. Structured data play a decisive role in this, with which websites manage to reach a “position zero” in the search results. With the faq schema generator it is possible to generate and implement structured data without much technical know-how. Here you can find a Rich Snippet Generator for questions and answers (FAQ) where you only have to enter the important information – questions & answers. Afterward, you can copy the JSON-LD code directly and embed it in the <body> (source code) on your website. Best directly after the visible FAQ questions or before the </body> tag.

Questions Answers Rich Snippet created with the FAQ Schema Generator

FAQ Schema Markup Helper & Example

Instructions and Example

Click on the highlighted text below to add questions & answers. You can also use HTML code for the answers, such as bold text or bullets. Note: If quotation marks (“) are used in the answers (e.g. links) they must be preceded by a backslash (\”) to avoid script errors!

Hint: You can jump through the individual fields with the tab key.

<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "https://schema.org",
  "@type": "FAQPage",
  "mainEntity": [{
     "@type": "Question",
     "name": "
     "acceptedAnswer": {
       "@type": "Answer",
       "text": "
     "@type": "Question",
     "name": "
     "acceptedAnswer": {
       "@type": "Answer",
       "text": "
     "@type": "Question",
     "name": "
     "acceptedAnswer": {
       "@type": "Answer",

Further questions and answers can be added to the faq snippet by simply clicking on the “Add question” button above.
After everything has been filled in, the faq markup (structured data) can be copied to the clipboard with the button “Select all” and “Copy”. To delete all fields and the content click on the “Delete all” button. (Website Reload)

Also below there are two links to test and validate the JSON scheme for Rich Media / Rich Snippet results and the info page of Google on the FAQ topic of Structured Data.

Test Rich Result – Test Structured Data

Google Scheme FAQ

SEO Tools with evaluation

Common questions about FAQ schema / Rich Snippets:

Google shows more information than ever directly in the search results. Thereby structured data play a decisive role with which websites it create on a “Position Zero” in the SERP to come. With free schema markup generators it is possible to output and implement structured data without much technical know-how.

Click on the highlighted text on the web page to add Questions & Answers. You can also use HTML code for the answers, such as bold text or bullets. Note: If quotation marks are used in the answers (e.g. links) they must be preceded by a backslash to avoid script errors

Further questions and answers can be added by simply clicking on the button Add question. After everything is filled in, the structured data can be copied to the clipboard with the button Select all and Copy. To delete all fields and the contents click on the Delete All button. You can also test and validate the JSON schema for Rich Media / Rich Snippet results.

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